HPHL Spring
In alignment with the HPHL mission to promote school pride and strengthen a player’s connection to their local community, players are assigned to teams based on the school they attend.
For players who are homeschooled, attend open-enrollment, charter, or private schools without a team affiliation, they are assigned to teams based on the public school attendance area in which they reside.
Players who live in the area of, or attend, a public school without a team affiliation or with an inactive team will be assigned to a nearby team by HPHL. Consideration is given to factors such as the player’s school district, where other players from the same school are playing, and the distance to local rinks.
Certain teams are restricted from accepting players outside their school due to district or school policies. In these cases, non-public school players living in those areas will be assigned to a nearby team by HPHL.
The fall or winter team a player participates in, whether it be an association, CPHL, or CHSAA team, does not influence the player’s HPHL team placement.
For administrative purposes, teams are organized into geographic divisions, which is how they will be listed below. Each season, teams are tiered into competitive groups. A team's tier may vary from season to season based on the composition of the team that year.
Goalies attending schools without a team affiliation and residing in areas without an affiliation are placed in our goalie pool. All other goalies are required to try out for the team affiliated with their school. If a goalie is released or cut by their team, they will then be added to the goalie pool.
Our goalie director will make every effort to place goalies from the pool with teams that need goalies. To ensure an accurate assessment of goalie needs across the league, placements for pool goalies often occur near the end of the registration period.
What aged players are appropriate for this program?
Players must be enrolled in high school (grades 9-12) for the 2024-2025 school year. They may attend a public, charter, online school, or be homeschooled.
What are the dates for the HPHL season?
Tryouts and team evaluations typically take place at the end of February or early March. Games begin in mid-March, with championship games scheduled for the weekend of May 10th, 2025.
How many games will they play?
The Girls and JV teams play 10 regular season games, while the Varsity teams participate in 12 regular season games, followed by playoffs.
Are jerseys provided or are they purchased separately?
Jersey policies differ by team; they may need to be purchased, rented, or loaned. For specific information, please contact your team manager.
Extra Costs
Players must attend high school in Colorado or Wyoming. Players on out of state teams that return to a Colorado/Wyoming HS in the spring are eligible. Players must also be enrolled in ALL 9th grade level or higher classes. Eligibility for HPHL is determined solely by grade level, not birth date, ability, or size.
Players in 8th grade during the spring season are not eligible.
Players (for all teams):
- $30 to register with HPHL. This is NON-REFUNDABLE. You will need a credit card to pay online (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover).
- After February 28th, pre-approval from the league and team will be needed in order to access the registration.
- No further players will be added after 3/10.
- Girls opting to play both girls and coed only need to register once and will only be charged one $30 registration fee.
- The $30 player registration fee is NON-refundable.
- ADDITIONAL FEES: Please note that the team will also charge each player a fee to cover ice, officials, jerseys, etc. This amount varies from team to team due to number of players, cost of jerseys, use of sponsors/fundraising, etc. Please contact the team directly for more information on player fees. The league is NOT able to predict what each team will charge.
Coaches, Managers, Club Coordinators:
- No charge to register with HPHL.
- Have your 2024-2025 USA Hockey number handy.
- Click here if you have already registered with USA Hockey, but need to look up your number.
- Click here to register with USA Hockey if you have not already done so this fall or winter.
- There is a $66 charge to register with USA Hockey.
- Once you have your USA Hockey confirmation number, return to this site to finish your registration.
- You will either need to log into your Crossbar account or create a new account. Log in/create account links are in the upper left corner of the page.
- The account MUST be in a parent's name. You will not be able to register the account holder as a player.
- You can register multiple players from your account.
- Make sure you enter an accurate and valid email address for at least one parent/guardian. This email will be used for league communication.
- Be sure to enter the school the player actually attends.
- If the player is homeschooled, attends an online, private, charter, or open-enrollment school, you will also need to enter the public school attendance area the player lives in.
- If the school is not listed, look for the "not listed" option at the top of the list. Checking that will allow you to enter the actual school in the next box.
- Once registered a team representative will contact you regarding tryouts.
Each player needs to provide the following to their team manager:
- Players born in 2007 or earlier will need to complete Safe Sport Training prior to being added to a roster. If this was done during the fall or winter seasons it is still valid and does not need to be redone. The "Required Core Training" course can be accessed here. Do not take the Youth Athlete Training courses, as they do not meet this requirement. Be sure to use your USAH confirmation number to log into the MyHockeyHQ Portal on the USAH site.
- Current or first semester grades on school letterhead showing a 2.0 or above (for the semester, not cumulative) and no F’s. Contact the team manager or club coordinator if not currently grade eligible for further instructions.
- School ID. The grade report with player's name and school listed can be used as school id as long as it is from the Colorado or Wyoming HS that will be used for team assignment. If the initial grade report is from a different HS, then a copy of the Colorado or Wyoming HS ID will be needed.
HPHL Spring 2025
Spring 2025 High School Hockey League Registration.